Why can't I install the coupon printer?

Help Center > Troubleshooting

If you are trying to print coupons at work, the library, an internet cafe, or university, you may not have administrative permissions required to download and install software onto the computer you are using. This may be true even if you've downloaded and installed other files or programs onto this computer.

You may see messages such as 'Access Denied', 'Error', 'Request Blocked', or 'Install Failed during installation'. If this is the case, we recommend contacting your network administrator for more information.

Alternatively, we have a handful of coupons that you can print without the need to download any added software. You can view and print those coupons here.

If you have a home computer, you may find it easier to access and print our coupons there.

People Also Ask

  1. Why won't the coupon printer install?
  2. Why can't I print my coupons from a public computer?
  3. Are there ANY coupons I can print that don't require addional software or downloads?

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