Why am I seeing 'Print Limit Reached' when the coupon never printed?

You will receive this message after you've attempted to print the same coupon too many times. In most cases your coupon was sent to your system's default printer and is waiting in the print queue to be printed. If that printer is available, you can still print your coupon by reconnecting the printer to your computer and restarting the print job. Unfortunately any coupons sent to the wrong printer cannot be re-queued to another printer. You can use one of the following links to get your default printer set up -

If you received a coupon link from a third-party blog, email, or post, and get a "Print Limit Reached" error message on your first print attempt, the link in that offer was likely generated for a specific user and printed the maximum number of times allowed for that specific link. If this is the case, check CouponSurfer for a valid link if the coupon is still available.

If you encountered a "Print Limit Reached" error message while accessing the coupon through the manufacturer's website and did not attempt any prior print requests, it is likely the coupon promotion has ended making the coupon no longer available.

Unfortunately we do not have the ability to reset print limits.

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