Unlike the coupons in the Sunday paper, CouponSurfer.com receives new coupons in a continuous fashion throughout the week. While we certainly encourage you to visit the site often, we realize your time is very valuable, so CouponSurfer offers three ways to get automatically notified:
Our new coupon alerts are sent out via email and are customized specifically for the coupon categories you select. This ensures you only get the coupons you want and need to save big in-store and online.
Sent out just once a week, our newsletter will feature a handful of the current coupons we have available on CouponSurfer, but will not be customized for any specific category or categories.
We offer 2 different RSS feeds - Printable Grocery Coupons and All Coupons - which provide you with a really simple way of staying up-to-date with new coupons from CouponSurfer.