We want CouponSurfer.com to be your favorite coupon site on the Internet! Our mission here at CouponSurfer.com is to save you money when you shop by offering major brand promotions and coupons as a free service for consumers. We offer coupons for clothing, grocery, music, restaurants, shopping, toys, travel, and lots more.
There are several ways to find coupons on CouponSurfer:
Coupon Categories
Browse coupons by specific categories such as grocery by clicking on
the appropriate category. To view all offers, view All Coupons
Brand/Retailer Logo's
To check offers for a particular brand logo (i.e. Staples) listed on the front page of CouponSurfer, simply
click on that logo to get presented with a list of relevant offers.
Keyword Search
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particular item, brand, merchant or some keywords here. If we
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How do I redeem a coupon?
CouponSurfer.com Offers 3 types of Coupons:
1. On-line Coupon - These coupons are used at On-line Stores like WalMart.com, Dell, and others. On-line coupons can be redeemed by clicking on them. Once you click on them you will be taken to a retailers web site (i.e. WalMart.com) where you can use the coupon to make a purchase. In some cases it may be necessary to enter a specific code or password on the retailers web site to get the discount. If this is the case, specific instructions are included on the coupon.
2. Printable Coupon - These coupons are mostly grocery coupons that are printed out and taken in to a physical store (i.e. Gerber, All, Burger King, etc...). Printable coupons are redeemed by printing them out. These coupons may also contain bar codes or other information so they can be scanned in at the register.
3. CouponSurfer Rewards - Link your debit or credit cards once to get automatic cash back at 1000's of local stores and restaurants. See places near me.
Once you are a member, you can personalize your coupons. Also, you will be granted access to additional coupons such as regional coupons for your area. Members also get access to advanced features such as, your own favorite coupon lists and email notification of new coupons matching the categories you select.
Still not convinced, take a look at the top ten reasons to become a CouponSurfer.com member
1. It's Free.
Some CouponSurfers have saved hundreds of dollars. CouponSurfer is dedicated to provide you with the most valuable coupons and promotions.
CouponSurfer.com is a free service for consumers.
2. Widest Selection.
CouponSurfer.com features coupons for well known brands such as Big Lots, Dell, Marriott, Office Depot, PETsMART, WalMart.com and dozens more.
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Here's what a few of our members have to say:
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4. Save Time.
CouponSurfer provides a single source for all your couponing needs.
5. View the Coupons you Want.
Personalize CouponSurfer to create your own favorite coupons list.
6. Coupon Tools.
Free use of our Seven Coupon Tools.
7. Earn Cash Back
Get Cash Back when you Dine and Shop. Yep it's that easy.
8. We Make It Easy.
Our powerful coupon search engine makes finding the coupons you want as easy as it is fun.
No more searching through newspapers or hundreds of web sites to find the coupons you need.
9. Help Make Shopping Easier.
Having a problem getting a coupon redeemed, question not getting answered by a merchant. CouponSurfer
is here to help.
10. We Respect Your Privacy.
CouponSurfer does not disclose your personal information to clients or retailers.
Have more questions, please see the CouponSurfer.com Help Center