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Sorry, coupons for Jif are no longer available. We're hoping for new ones soon.

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Our most recent Jif coupon was:
Print a coupon for $1 off one Jif Squeeze peanut butter product

People who printed Jif coupons also saved on:

Charlie's Jif story (Who is Charlie?)

I see where they are now claiming that most people believe JIF peanut butter is "Jiffy" and they are attributing this to the ominous "Mandela Effect". I think it's more likely people are conflating Skippy peanut butter and Jiffy Pop with JIF but there is no conspiracy in that. Now in a 'backmasking-esque' controversy, they say if you turn a jar of JIF upside down, it reads the same. Who knew? Who cares? You can change the name or turn it upside down, I still don't like peanut butter.   

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