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CouponSurfer Reviews for Cheerios:
Love them
Can be used as a snack for on the go for kids.
by yuliana254KBones
Multi Grain are a great snack for the little ones and for us that are grown.
by karenmariemutz
MultiGrain Cheerios Cereal is a perfect snack food. My four children have been eating it for years. They love it plain, in milk and mixed with yogurt.
pbc964I love Honey Nut Cheerios and I have no concerns or worries when my two children are eating them for breakfast or for snacks. They have a better taste than the regular Cheerios but are covered with sugar.
thurtExcellent. I have this for breakfast every morning. Also makes a great low cal nutrient snack to munch on while watching TV.
barnwpkCheerios are just the best.
jrh1966Love those MultiGrain Cheerios!
latonia_waldenTaste good and seems to lower cholesterol.