Make Money by Promoting CouponSurfer!

We provide shoppers with free printable coupons for all of their favorite grocery brands like Kraft, Campbell's, V8, Kellogg's and Pillsbury while providing a wide assortment of online shopping offers and promotions from premium stores like Advance Auto Parts, Gap, PetSmart, JCPenny more. Our very own set of Coupon Tools make the process of finding the coupons our users want and need, quick & seamless from start to print. Leaving them with time to focus on the more important things in life, not just saving money.

We also just launched a new Cash Back Rewards program where CouponSurfer members link their debit/credit cards for free to earn up to 10% cash back at 1000's of local restaurants and shops.

How does it work?

Unlike other programs that require visitors to make a purchase before receiving compensation, we pay our affiliates for every new member sign-up they refer to CouponSurfer and/or every new rewards program sign-up. Did I mention that it's FREE to join both?

OK...So what's in it for me?

  • Get a base rate $0.20 for every new member referral AND $0.20 for any member that joins CouponSurfer Rewards by linking a debit/credit card.
    That's $0.40 for a new member who also joins our rewards program!
  • Higher rates and bonuses for high performing affiliates
  • 16% Average Conversion Rate
  • A robust Coupon Datafeed that's updated daily
  • 30-day cookie duration for referrals

Unlike other coupon affiliate programs...

  • Your visitors can see all available coupons prior to becoming a member
  • You will get paid after earning $50 across all active merchants (compared to $100 or 3 months for other networks)
  • Our partnership with ShareASale means you receive ALL of your affiliate earnings in one deposit EVERY month

Become an affiliate today, it's Free!

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to email us at

We hope you will join the CouponSurfer Affiliate Program and we look forward to working together!

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